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Thursday, February 24

Day 10 - Worst day of your life

Oh goodness.  Just about any day from the middle of January to the middle of February--although I can think of one Sunday in particular when I left church in the 3rd hour right after the first talk finished.  I was pretty frustrated with quite a few people and tired of being told that I just needed to have a better attitude and everything would be ok.

My job this year has been stressful for NUMEROUS reasons, difficult students, difficult parents, working 7 periods and no prep time, and total lack of consistency on the administration's part.  I really hate it when every month or so they come out with the "next best thing" and totally change our schedule or the way I've been doing things.  Sometimes change is good, but if I like the results I'm getting...why fix something that isn't broken is what I'm trying to say.  And then there's my 18 credit ESL endorsement.  I really do enjoy all that I am learning, but having that additional stress on top of all of my normal responsibilities has really gotten me frustrated and I haven't been acting like myself.
I recently dropped 2 additional credits that I was taking on top of the ESL endorsement and I'm trying to make sure I spend time having fun with my friends and doing things that I really enjoy because all work and no play makes Amanda a dull & drained girl.  

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