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Friday, February 27

My Classroom

It was decided last year at Elk Ridge that all of the foreign language teachers should move out to the portables because then we can be as loud as we want without disrupting our neighbors. I think that was a fine idea but I'll admit I was a little surprised when I walked into MY portable after having seen the others. Why? It was filled to the brim with 2 classrooms-worth of junk. I couldn't even walk through it. I knew I had my work cut out for me. Not only that, my portable is probably a decade or two older than the others and has burnt orange carpet from floor to ceiling. So I just thought I would give you a taste of the the portable 2 flavor...

1 comment:

Mrs. Boojwa said...

:-) I was thumbing through the pictures trying to decide if that was a portable. We have portables, but I am positive no one is in there. In fact, we have empty classrooms used as conference rooms sometimes. What is new with you???