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Wednesday, May 14

Big Gulps huh?

Today I am smiling because I got a paycheck in the mail! Seriously...I have been waiting for this since April. I am so stoked!!! I am also smiling because I had a interview at Union Middle. It was a good interview...not that it means I'm getting hired. I wish it did, but I'm the first interview they've had so I have to wait a week to find out. Hopefully I can get more soon. I'm also smiling because it's an A-day and I got to see my favorite math students.


Mrs. Boojwa said...

Sometimes those interviews where you don't get hired are good practice. But don't ever interview for a job you don't want... they get mad at you if you don't want the job, but did it for practice. Where is Union Middle? Do you know anything about where you're living? What did your friends say about you staying?

Tamara said...

Hey Sprazzie!

YOU MAKE ME SMILE!!! and i adore your other blog, too! You are an amazing nena, y te amo un montón!

chaito, locquita