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Tuesday, March 29

Day 15 - Favorite childhood story

So many...
-The day I was born.  My parents were driving up north to be sealed in the Seattle Temple but my mom's water broke and she ended up in the hospital delivering me instead.
-Carrying around this dolly that my Great Grandma knitted for me.  Her name was Rosie, I had a yellow one until it got lost (I think) and then I had a purple one.  I wish I had pictures of my Rosies.
-I split my chin open one Sunday afternoon.  I was three.  I had come home from church, ripped off all my clothes but my tights and started prancing around the kitchen on the linoleum floor.  I slipped and fell and hit my chin.
-When I was a baby, my dad didn't know anything about babies.  He was trying to fasten my cloth diaper with a safety pin.  I was screaming and screaming and my dad had no idea why I wouldn't stop.  Finally he realized he had pinned my side along with the diaper.  He felt pretty bad about that one.

1 comment:

Mrs. Boojwa said...

i think thats the reason why so many moms were terrified of cloth diapers after the 80s, until now! I could've sworn my dad did the same thing to one of us...