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Tuesday, November 22

Day 41 – Five weird things that you like.

1.  Quinoa (read about it if you don't know what it is)

2.  This youtube video


3.  Seeing the inside of my ear canal on a computer screen.  This one is thanks to my friend Kim who is an audiologist and brought a bunch of her equipment over to our house the other day to look in Ashlee's ears.  Of course we all wanted to look.  Did you know ears have hair on the inside?  Gross.

4.  Sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth graders.  They are weird.  Smelly.  Strange.  Awkward humans.
Redheds are a personal favorite.

1 comment:

Mrs. Boojwa said...

The video is hilarious, mostly bc it so suits you :) And I had a co-worker who used to drink mate all the time. And he had a fun cup like that too. He went to Argentina on his mission too (I'm 90% sure that is correct). You make me laugh.