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Sunday, August 28

Day 26 - Favorite book

 I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens. 

Growing up I was definitely a book whore.  I had a great vocabulary as a child thanks to being such an avid reader.  I once read the entire Work and the Glory series in a week and half.  As I started getting busy at the end of High School I stopped reading for pleasure and that is really sad.  I kind of forgot all about fiction (though I must say I'm glad I got to experience and learn to love non-fiction in college).  However, I rediscovered the public library this summer.  My love for fiction is back!  I'm really liking the mystery genre at the moment.  Truthfully, I think I began to rekindle the reading flame about this time last year when someone lent the me Hunger Games trilogy and I devoured them.  By October I had set my sights on the Harry Potter series (I'm so glad I hadn't seen the movies first).  I feel like life is going to get very busy again and that sad because I love being lazy and lying in my hammock all day reading a good book.

1 comment:

Mrs. Boojwa said...

:) I read the HG series in the span of 3 days. And I was very blah those days. I'm not sure if it was bc I did nothing but read, or if it was because I was emotionally exhausted from the series. I felt like I was losing all of the new friends I made :) I get very involved when I read. But I understand why you stopped reading too. I'm not sure I read a single book for pleasure throughout all of college.