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Tuesday, November 11

It's Drop Everything And Read

So since it's DEAR I decided to take this time and write. We aren't supposed to be grading papers during this time, but I don't have anything to read so I will write. I love my students. I love Elk Ridge. Of course there are certain things I don't care for, more having to do with the district or co-workers and administration...but I think my students are wonderful. This school hasn't yet reached it's potential I don't think, but I hope that I can be a part of making it better. The end.

PS. I love David Archuleta, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.


Mrs. Boojwa said...

you guys actually do "DEAR"??? I thought they made studies saying that it wasn't an effective reading activity....

Mrs. Boojwa said...

Oh.. did I tell you that I have another Argentine in my class??? This one is from Buenos Aires... and he is NOTHING like the Argentine I had last year...