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Friday, January 28

Day 01 - Photo of you & 10 Facts

Fact 1:  I can't stand to watch people eat cookie dough.  I don't get freaked out by the raw egg, I just don't think cookie dough tastes good, I prefer my cookies cooked.

Fact 2:  My strongest sense is my sense of smell, I smell things others can't.  I'm not super-touchy feely, I'm near sighted and don't hear very well (too many concerts I guess).

Fact 3:  I don't like mornings.  Don't talk to me before 9 am.

Fact 4:  I can slide though the backs of metal folding chairs (the church chairs).

Fact 5:  I hadn't ever read or seen Harry Potter until November when Harry Potter 7 came out.

Fact 6:  I have a hard time sharing a Hymn Book with another person if we are both trying to hold it.

Fact 7:  I miss jumping on a trampoline.  I think rather than letting my kids get a pet, I will have to convince them to settle for a trampoline.

Fact 8:  On top of working more than full time (teaching 7 classes, no prep period) I am currently enrolled in 20 credit hours worth of classes for my ESL endorsement and some technology training.

Fact 9:  I love to sing on the top of my lungs in my car when I'm alone.  The past few days I have been singing "Killing Me Softly" by Lauryn Hill/The Fugees.  Over and over again.

Fact 10:  The people I'm with is more important that the nature of the activity we are doing.  In other words, I can be happy doing just about anything as long as I'm doing it with people I love.

1 comment:

Mrs. Boojwa said...

Go you! Day 1! :):):) And I can't believe you still have that costa rica burlap bag. Oh, the memories of college ;) Love you!